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Imposter syndrome - How to beat it

What is this Imposter Syndrome? If you don’t know, then with any luck it isn’t something that ever bothers you. Great! But you might still read on, if you understand how others feel you might just be able to help them.

Broadly those of us with Imposter Syndrome (and there are very many of us in the legal profession) go through our lives in a permanent state of semi-bafflement that we have achieved all that we have. We have a sense that we’re never quite up to scratch for the job we do. It tends to make us perfectionists. We try very hard to make sure that our work output matches the expectations of those who appointed us. We’re always trying to prove to ourselves that we are good enough. Our bosses probably already know that!

That’s ok isn’t it? Well, up to a point. It might make us anxious and into workaholics but what about those who are so caught in the syndrome that they won’t or can’t even apply for jobs?

I’m not good enough, it’s not worth trying!
That organisation won’t take someone like me/ from my background, I need to set my sights lower.

This really matters and it speaks to some of the problems the legal profession and the country more widely has, in terms of recruiting diverse workforces to ensure that the very best talent is captured.

If you’re feeling like that then ask yourself if you meet the base requirements for the job? You do? Then do you have anything “extra” to offer? Perhaps you got a 2.1 while working long hours in a supermarket or while dealing with ill health? That’s an extra. That makes you more rather than less special and desirable.

Now here’s some more questions to ask yourself?

How can you guarantee that you won’t get that job?

By not applying!

What do you lose if you apply and you don’t get it?

Nothing. You don’t have the job now!

So go on, give it a try. Don’t narrow your own horizons. If you know someone who struggles with these feelings even though they’re awesome. Tell them that. Help them to see themselves as you see them!