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How to write the perfect law essay


Begin your essay with an introduction that explains – very briefly – the concept(s) under discussion (and defines any key terminology), how you will answer the question and the conclusion you will come to. In short, write down where your essay is going.

Do not simply write out the details of the question again (this can be tempting in a problem scenario). You will probably have a word count and no marks will be awarded for this!

Tip: it might help to write (or rewrite) your introduction after you have reached your conclusion. That way, you can make sure that your introduction accurately describes where your essay has gone, uses consistent terminology and matches your conclusion.

Main body

Try to follow a consistent line of argument throughout your essay.

Argue with a clear conclusion in mind and do not “sit on the fence”.

Supporting authorities

Introduce authorities to support your line of argument.

Do not make any points that cannot be supported by authorities such as statute and case law. Remember that you are trying to convince the reader that you are correct. Unsupported arguments will not be persuasive.

Critically engage

If your exercise is to “critically analyse” (or some similar terms), take the opportunity to introduce and briefly explain possible counter-arguments and evidence which might appear to oppose your line of reasoning.

This is a good opportunity to demonstrate your breadth of learning and your critical reasoning skills. You should critique these counter arguments and explain why the evidence does not support them. However, avoid temptation to get sucked into counter-arguments – you must always stick to your consistent argument.


Finally, come to a clear and succinct conclusion.

Check:  Make sure that you have answered the question – look back to make sure that you are directly answering the exact question set. Use the same terminology that the question uses to avoid straying.

We’ve outlined a few key tips here. If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to answering essay questions and general long-form legal writing skills, sign up to our mailing list for a free guide (link at the bottom of the page).